Minimalist Houses Renovation

Renovation of dwelling house is situated in a residential area in Gandul, Cinere Depok. Initial condition is a type of house a home with a floor area of 75 m2 which is home to the standard of housing developers.
Renovation was done by vertically upward by adding the second floor and attic floor space by utilizing three floors below the roof.
By increasing the number of floors is the importance of the total building area of approximately 195 m2, from the area of the room that are created are:
For the first floor terdapar Family Room, Kitchen and Dining Room which is a form a large area, and there behind the guest bedroom. Second floor consists of master bedroom and two bedroom units. While the third floor there is a library, audiovisual room, and maid + laundry, dry area.
Tags: Minimalist House Design (just story) | Minimalist Houses Corner | Minimalist Two Floor Dwelling | Box Shape Contemporary Home | Minimalist House Design | Two Floor Minimalist House Design | minimalist house with two shop unit | A Nice Little House
Title: Minimalist Houses Renovation
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